LSLA-induced water flows between investor and host country categories differentiated by water risk
This graph depicts water flows induced
by the analysed land deals between investor countries (coloured) and host countries (grey). The size of the coloured bands represents the amount of water
used (Gm3) under agricultural land deals in a given category of host countries by a given category of investor countries. Based on the water risk indices
(WRIs) of investor countries, we defined three subcategories: (1) low water risk (WRI of 0 to 1.5), (2) medium water risk (WRI of 1.5 to 3), (3) high water risk
(WRI greater than 3).
Built with d3.js.
Country categories:
Gulf States
(Gulf 2-3)
High-income countries
(High$ 1-3)
Upper-middle-income countries
(Upmid$ 1-3)
(BRICS 1-2)
Lower-middle-income countries, low-income and least developed countries
(Low$ 1-3)