CategoryLand Resources

Joint Action for Sustainable Development –
A storymap

The Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (ESAPP) was launched in 1999 and concluded in 2015. This storymap summarizes experiences and knowledge gained from 15 years of partnership-based research and action in Africa. It presents 24 representative highlights carefully selected from over 300 small-grant projects carried out in Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. 

Discharge simulations in the Blue Nile Basin for future climate change assessments

To be able to assess impact of climate change on watershed resources, for example the Blue Nile Basin, modelling of hydrology and sediment loss are crucial factors. Therefore calibrated models play an important role in the analysis of future risk and hazard assessment. This PhD in collaboration with the Water and Land Resource Centre in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia is trying to calibrate a hydrological model for the Blue Nile Basin and to apply a changing climate scenario for an assessment of risk and hazard. This blog post shows only an intermediate result of the final research.